Thursday, February 24, 2011

La Familia

I have been feeling really homesick the last couple days and two things helped cheer me up today that I MUST share: 1- Valentines letters from my familia! I LOVED them! Thank you so, so much, and I cannot wait to give you real abrazos y besos (hugs and kisses)! 2- When I arrived to my host family's home for dinner this evening, after a long day at school and in the city, I found that 2 of her daughters, her son-in-laws, and three of her grandsons were here for dinner!!! Pregnant womyn, nursing womyn, warm food, coca cola, babies, games (hide-and-go-seek mainly), 10 conversations at once, chistes (jokes)- about each other, about movies, about ingles vs. espanol, etc! There was even a womyn here from Ohio who had studied abroad in Kitty's house (my host mother) last semester, been introduced to her son-in-law's brother, and was now dating him! She loved the family and is now a part of them! It was nice to talk to an American that was familiar with not only Argentina, but THIS family! Although I didn't say much, I sat at their table, listening and laughing for about 3 hours...I was nearly silent, but occasionally they would direct a comment or a joke to me, or ask "me entiendes?" (you understand?) which I would usually respond "mas o menos" (more or less!)...I felt very comfortable and mostly just used it as an opportunity to soak in some family love, since I am missing those dinners of my own back in California SO BAD right now...Era perfecto...It was perfect...Just what I needed tonight. :) Last weekend a few of us went to a beach called "Mar del Plata;" famous beach of Argentina...five hour bus, lots of clouds, and still got sunburnt! But I'm glad I can say I've been... On Saturday I am going to a huge Carnaval celebration about 3 hours from Buenos Aires (Carnaval is a celebration like Mardi Gras in New Orleans, which I missed by a week when I was there 3 years ago! It is huge in Brazil, but I hear Argentina holds the 2nd best celebrations! It is to celebrate fat Tuesday, the Catholic holiday before the Lenten season- forgive me for spelling that incorrectly, Grandma!). One day trip, all night fiesta! Should be exciting/exhausting! NEXT WEEKEND= SPRING BREAK! After taking my final, David and I are going to take a bus to Santiago, Chile (yay! a new country! and somewhere I have wanted to travel to since my trip to Peru last year!) where we will spend our first four days of break, then to Mendoza, Argentina for a winery tour and vacation with the rest of the students in our program (cost is included in our pay already!). I am really excited for both these things. I have never been to Chile and I have never been wine tasting!! Where better to go than the city that is said to have created the world's best Malbec! People say Italian immigrants brought it here and this is the best! :) We shall see... I am already tired, but I am very excited for all of this. Wish me luck! I am thinking of my family and friends so much lately, and missing everything about California! But I am hoping I will enjoy more and more as it goes on...I have a lot to learn (spanish and other-wise!), and I am ready for the journey... BESOS A TODOS! XOXOXOXXXX


  1. love it and love you. i know we all go thru times of homesickness but that is when we get to draw on the power of the mighty goddesses around us!
    i´ve been thinking about you and i want to hang out soon. goddess party?!?!


  2. KIRIA I JUST SAW THIS!! ahh! Goddess party soooooon! <3
